The Kingdom of Nye with Heather Wade
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May 18th, 2020 - HooDoo Sen Moise - The Comfort Of Voodoo
Hoodoo Sen Moise has been working hoodoo and conjure for 35 years. He holds the title Hougan Asogwe, a high priest, in Haitian Vodou, and Padre Nganga, a high priest, in Palo Mayombe. He resides in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, where magic and the dead have a good deal of focus. His latest book is called Working Conjure which was released in 2018. Hoodoo Sen Moise travels extensively here and abroad to teach and to work in these practices, and is the proprietor of Conjure New Orleans. He is a priest, a worker, a teacher, a spiritual father, and an author. Over the years, he has developed a reputation for being very much a no nonsense, non-sugar coated speaker, and assertive in all he does. Hoodoo Sen Moise is someone who walks with the philosophy of You Get It How You Live.