The Kingdom of Nye with Heather Wade
Tuesday to Friday 9 PM to 12 AM Pacific Time
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April 23rd, 2020 - Les Velez - The Chase
Lester Velez is a graduate of the University of Vermont with a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration. Beginning in September of 1970 served in the US Army, as field artillery officer and is presently VP of Luscombe Engineering, a Silicon-Valley based manufacturer’s representative company. Joined MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, in 1991 and has held the following positions: Field investigator, Training Coordinator for field investigators, the Assistant State Director in Northern California, Chairman of the Abduction Experiencer Research Committee, and team leader of the Abduction Response Team. Also, during this time, became a facilitator for an abduction support group in San Jose, California, and in 1994 co-founded the Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support.