The Kingdom of Nye with Heather Wade
Tuesday to Friday 9 PM to 12 AM Pacific Time
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April 9th, 2020 - Libbe HaLevy - A Silent Threat
Libbe HaLevy is The Nuclear Awareness Expert, an international speaker, author and the producer and host of Nuclear Hotseat, a weekly program on nuclear issues, now in its 9th year. Nuclear Hotseat is downloaded in 123 countries, syndicated for broadcast nationally by Pacifica, and you can find out more at Libbe HaLevy takes the confusion out of understanding complex nuclear issues and empowers people with the best ways they can protect themselves from the ever-present dangers of nuclear radiation. A survivor of the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island from just one mile away, Libbe never wants you to face the kind of nuclear terror that she did. Libbe HaLevy’s book is YES, I GLOW IN THE DARK: One Mile from Three Mile Island to Fukushima and Nuclear Hotseat, available on Amazon.