The Kingdom of Nye with Heather Wade
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October 9th, 2018 - Becki Hawkins - The Dying Experience
Becki Hawkins has sat at the bedside of many patients during her more than 30 year nurse career. Beginning her career as a nurse’s aid in 1980, Becki became an oncology nurse and eventually moved into end of life care as a hospice chaplain. After years of remarkable metaphysical experiences with those who have transitioned, Becki knew her patient’s near death stories were begging to be told. She deeply wanted the world to know three simple things: patients were more than a diagnosis, they were more than their identifying room number, and they weren’t alone. Overflowing with an amplitude of touching heartfelt stories, Becki’s dreams came true and her book,Transitions: A Nurse’s Education About Life and Death, was published in 2011. Nearly a year later after her book release, she found herself sharing her patient’s stories to several groups across the country, one talk in particular amassing nearly 1 million YouTube views to date.